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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Vegetable processing plants are next

On 2020-05-02 5:47 p.m., Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> On Sat, 02 May 2020 14:30:01 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>>> They are not weapons you would use for hunting or defending your home,
>>> but rather military type weapons, made to kill many and quickly.

>> That's what war is all about.

> I can agree but it is why I am glad they are going to be only for the
> military in this country. Civilians do not need them.
>>> Weapons of war. I agree that I think men who want to own them are
>>> really covering up their own physical inadequacies, something like old
>>> bald men driving Maserati's.

>> Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
>> Q: I suppose with the feminist thing, did you also
>> support women's right to fight in combat? Should they
>> also be drafted if a draft ever happens again?
>> Not YOUR daughter though.

> So much burble - I did and do support a woman's right to fight in
> combat, yes, they should also be drafted but maybe not to actually
> fight, as with men, some are not combat minded.

So you won't mind if veterans for benefits would be restricted to those
who are actually in combat? If it is a matter of equality and we
expected everyone to have equal opportunity, then we should expect equal
involvement and equal responsibility. If women want to go into the
armed forces and expect promotion on a par with their male comrades,
they should be equally prepared for combat.