Vegetable processing plants are next
On 5/3/2020 3:56 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 1:33:26 PM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> My father was a die-hard Republican. I'm pretty darned sure he'd be
>>> rolling in his grave if he could see the mockery this man has made of
>>> the office.
>> "Jane, you ignorant slut!" (old SNL quote)
>> Yes, you grew up as daddy's little princess girl but you have
>> no clue about your father's beliefs. Please don't disrespect
>> his memory like that.
>> He was a Marine Corp officer and their Commander in Chief is
>> top dog. That changes every 4-8 years or so but Marines
>> are loyal regardless who is chosen. Same as your daddy.
>> If Trump walked to his grave right now, your father wouldn't
>> roll over in his grave (if possible), he would give a crisp
>> salute to him. (To your dismay)
>> This is what all Marines are trained to do and they do
>> it. Active, retired or even dead marines. "Semper Fi" always.
>> Personal opinions aside, they respect the title:
>> Commander in Chief of all the US military.
>> Like it or not, that's what Trump is right now.
> You should have heard my Marine father-in-law talk about Bill Clinton.
> Cindy Hamilton
And my father about that "ignorant peanut farmer" (Jimmy Carter).