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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Vegetable processing plants are next

On 2020-05-03 5:55 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/3/2020 1:32 PM, Gary wrote:

>> Yes, you grew up as daddy's little princess girl but you have
>> no clue about your father's beliefs. Please don't disrespect
>> his memory like that.

> Here you go again with that "princess" nonsense.Â* Hell, he wasn't in the
> country when I was born.Â* I never set eyes on him until I was a year
> old.Â* He brought me a teddy bear.Â* When I was in the 1st and 2nd grade
> he was in Vietnam.
> You didn't know my father, Gary.Â* He wasn't shy about expressing his
> opinions.Â* You didn't hear him railing about the "ignorant Georgia
> Peanut Farmer" (Jimmy Carter) who was the Commander In Chief.Â* I did.
> Was that respectful?Â* Nope.Â* He would have saluted him, sure.Â* He
> wouldn't have liked doing it.

Marines swear to protect the Constitution. There is that bit in there
about following the orders of the president but he would not have been
getting orders directly.

>> He was a Marine Corp officer and their Commander in Chief is
>> top dog. That changes every 4-8 years or so but Marines
>> are loyal regardless who is chosen. Same as your daddy.

> You have no idea.Â* He took orders from his immediate superior officers.
> The President didn't show up to give orders on the battlefield.Â* You
> also assumed (very incorrectly) that because he was a commissioned
> officer he sat behind a desk.Â* The two Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, a
> Bronze Star and Legion of Merit medals contradict that.Â* Would you like
> to see them?Â* I could take a picture.
> Or I could just show you this:

I am impressed Jill. You have good reason to be proud of him,

>> This is what all Marines are trained to do and they do
>> it. Active, retired or even dead marines. "Semper Fi" always.

> "Semper Fi" has nothing to do with who is President. It means "Always
> Faithful" (or "Always Loyal").Â* To the country, not to the President.
>> Personal opinions aside, they respect the title:
>> Commander in Chief of all the US military.
>> Like it or not, that's what Trump is right now.

> I don't like it and I know my father wouldn't like it, either.

I was a little surprised when my father was talking about his prized
possession. His parents and been born in England and at the time he was
born all Canadians were British, but he never seemed to be a staunch
royalist. His most cherished possession was his DFM. It would have
been a DFC if he had been an officer at the time, and he was
commissioned later on. What made it so valuable to him was that it had
been touched by the king.