Vegetable processing plants are next
jmcquown wrote:
> You didn't know my father, Gary. He wasn't shy about expressing his
> opinions. You didn't hear him railing about the "ignorant Georgia
> Peanut Farmer" (Jimmy Carter) who was the Commander In Chief. I did.
> Was that respectful? Nope. He would have saluted him, sure. He
> wouldn't have liked doing it.
My point was that he would have saluted his commander in chief
no matter who held the title at the time. Respect for the
office, not the person.
> You have no idea. He took orders from his immediate superior officers.
> The President didn't show up to give orders on the battlefield.
I have plenty of idea. The President gives the orders and that
works down the hierarchy. I know that.
> You
> also assumed (very incorrectly) that because he was a commissioned
> officer he sat behind a desk.
I never said that about your father.
> The two Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, a
> Bronze Star and Legion of Merit medals contradict that. Would you like
> to see them?
Settle down, princess. You told about your father's rank and
accomplishments years ago and I immediately admired him. A father
to be proud of.
> He's even mentioned in Wikipedia articles. Sat behind a desk my ass.
You totally invented the "sat behind a desk" part. What's
wrong with you?
> > If Trump walked to his grave right now, your father wouldn't
> > roll over in his grave (if possible), he would give a crisp
> > salute to him. (To your dismay)
> >
> He'd give a crisp salute because that's what Marines do.
And that's all I said.