Vegetable processing plants are next
On Mon, 04 May 2020 11:32:00 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>jmcquown wrote:
>> You didn't know my father, Gary. He wasn't shy about expressing his
>> opinions. You didn't hear him railing about the "ignorant Georgia
>> Peanut Farmer" (Jimmy Carter) who was the Commander In Chief. I did.
>> Was that respectful? Nope. He would have saluted him, sure. He
>> wouldn't have liked doing it.
>My point was that he would have saluted his commander in chief
>no matter who held the title at the time. Respect for the
>office, not the person.
Military saluted the uniform, not the person wearing it.
>> You have no idea. He took orders from his immediate superior officers.
>> The President didn't show up to give orders on the battlefield.
>I have plenty of idea. The President gives the orders and that
>works down the hierarchy. I know that.
>> You
>> also assumed (very incorrectly) that because he was a commissioned
>> officer he sat behind a desk.
>I never said that about your father.
>> The two Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, a
>> Bronze Star and Legion of Merit medals contradict that. Would you like
>> to see them?
>Settle down, princess. You told about your father's rank and
>accomplishments years ago and I immediately admired him. A father
>to be proud of.
>> He's even mentioned in Wikipedia articles. Sat behind a desk my ass.
>You totally invented the "sat behind a desk" part. What's
>wrong with you?
>> > If Trump walked to his grave right now, your father wouldn't
>> > roll over in his grave (if possible), he would give a crisp
>> > salute to him. (To your dismay)
>> >
>> He'd give a crisp salute because that's what Marines do.
>And that's all I said.