On 2020-05-04 1:21 p.m., U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Mon, 4 May 2020 10:28:04 -0400, Dave Smith
>> I worked for the government long enough to see how it worked in
>> practice. Job competitions came with a statement about them being an
>> equal opportunity and what women, native people, francophones, people of
>> colour were invited to self identify. In other words.... we can't ask
>> you your race, gender, culture etc.... but less us know. I always
>> worked in what had been male dominated fields and over the years I had a
>> few female bosses. A couple of them were good. One was an idiot. Given
>> the nature of those who aim for management positions, that is actually
>> pretty good.
> Yeah, I know. those second class citizens couldn't possibly be better
> qualified than a white guy.. It was all rigged . So dinosaurs are
> still alive. 
I didn't say that could not be better qualified than a white guy. That
would be hard to judge if they are rated on different scales. How is is
supposed to work? Are white males in the armed forces expected to have
proven themselves in combat in order to get ahead but women and non
whites don't have to have that same experience?
FWIW I grew up in a very white Canada. The larger cities had China
small towns and most cities and towns had at least one Chinese
restaurant, but just about everyone else was white. I saw only a
handful of black people in my youth. It wasn't that he all disliked
blacks and other people of colour. They just weren't there. That
started to change in the 60s and 70s when we started to have a lot of
immigration from the West Indies and Asia. The area where I grew up
went from being almost totally white to being very diverse.
All cops were white, because everyone else was. They also tended to be
large men because they were expected to have to be able to carry their
own if situations got violent. There were minimum height and weight
requirements. There were a number of black men and south Asians
recruited, but east Asians and women had a hard time meeting those
It was time for change. They argued that modern police methods had
reduced the need for brawn for cops to do their job, so recruits no
longer had to meet that minimum and weight. It was shortly after they
dropped those standards that I had to attend a course at a police
college at the same time there was course for their new recruits. There
were lots of tall and heavily built white, south Asian and black men.
There were also quite a few women and Chinese men. Curiously, the only
people who would not have met the old standards were the women and the
Chinese. There were no petite white men, no petite black men. For some
reason, they still had to meet the old standards. One might have
expected that if those old standards were no longer relevant a small
black or white man should have fit the bill. Go figger.