Vegetable processing plants are next
Bruce wrote:
> On Mon, 04 May 2020 11:32:00 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> >jmcquown wrote:
> >>
> >> You didn't know my father, Gary. He wasn't shy about expressing his
> >> opinions. You didn't hear him railing about the "ignorant Georgia
> >> Peanut Farmer" (Jimmy Carter) who was the Commander In Chief. I did.
> >> Was that respectful? Nope. He would have saluted him, sure. He
> >> wouldn't have liked doing it.
> >
> >My point was that he would have saluted his commander in chief
> >no matter who held the title at the time. Respect for the
> >office, not the person.
> You arm's starting again, Gary. Pay attention!
Tell me, Bruce. What's all your nonsense lately about my arm?