Soaking beans?
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>:> The OUTSIDE portion of the beans turn to mush before the insides
>:> have even softened. That's how they can be mush but not done! Bob's
>:> obviously meager brain tissue apparently can't comprehend this.
>:> This is a problem when cooking dried beans at high altitudes or
>:> when using old beans. Presoaking will help the situation.
>: Oh thank you for some brilliant non-information, bonehead. Right up
>: there with the vegan balloonhead nonsense.
>: In my five decades of cooking beans at home and in a lengthy string of
>: restaurants (mine and others I ran) using virtually every method I've
>: ever heard about to cook literally tons of beans, not once - NOT ONCE
>: - have I ever encountered this condition. I lived in New Jersey at sea
>: level and now live in mountains at height and have cooked in both
>: locations; no beans with mushy outsides. Never have I ever seen this
>: mentioned in any cookbook; never on any package of beans; never heard
>: it from any other professional chef; never seen it mentioned in any
>: online forum; not one article I've ever read about beans mentions it.
>: No food science book I know of says anything about beans partially
>: overcooking because they're not soaked. Russ Parsons did extensive
>: research about cooking beans and never mentioned this "problem." He
>: did say that soaking was unnecessary, however, after many tests.
>: Harold McGee says it's not necessary but a short soak (4 hours) helps
>: reduce cooking time.
>: In short, you have no support from anyone knowledgeable and seem to
>: have made up that silly "problem" or got it from some woo-woo new age
>: macrobiotic guru who thinks stuff like microwaves steal the vibrations
>: of the universe from food. Back to the sandbox with you, Zippy, and
>: stick to your correct league. The OUTSIDE of your IQ turned to mush
>: before the insides even developed.
>: Bob
>Incredible. Because you've never personally experienced something,
>you claim it can't happen. You sir, are truly a moron. Since I've
>had it happen to me several times, I obviously have more cooking
>experience than you, but I don't go touting it (perhaps even inventing
>it?) like a pompous ass.
Apparently you've not hoid the term "Pontificating *IGNORANT* _WOP *******_".
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