Chocolate milk
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Chocolate milk
On 5/5/2020 6:31 PM,
> Got another place where I can read it? I hit the paywall.
> But in the meantime, it reminds me of a funny story for small children that is undeservedly out of print:
> "The Adventures of Silly Billy" (1961), by Tamara Kitt (real name, Beatrice Schenk de Regniers).
> The kid plants a garden with popped corn - and serves hot water to the hens to make them lay hard-boiled eggs. When his parents make fun of him, he sets out to prove he's not silly by finding someone sillier than he is. Does he ever!
> Yes, cows get mentioned too - but to tell more would spoil the story.
> Lenona.
I'm not a fan of children's books but I have a copy of 'The Tale of
Fatty Coon' by Arthur Scott Bailey that belonged to my father.
Initially it belonged to his older brother. It was probably handed down
to my uncle, maybe from an older classmate. A fun read with interesting
moral lessons. Don't steal the farmer's corn! If you cross the road to
get to the corn you might get run over by an automobile! A 1915 automobile.
Steal and eat the corn when it's green and you'll get a whopping
belly-ache. Your mother told you not to! Yeah, fun lessons featuring a
fat raccoon. Nice interesting plate/illustrations in the book.
I have another primer/reader that contains fairy tales. 'Story Hour
Readers Revised Book Two', Coe & Christie. Ida Coe, Pd.M and Alice
Christie Dillon, 1914, 1923. I've obviously got the later edition. LOL
First tale in that book is called 'Queen Mab'.
Hmmm, I remember
Queen Mab being mentioned in Shakespeare plays. Also in the list of
stories is the ubiquitous 'Three Wishes'. Be careful! Again the plate
illustrations in these old books are fun.
I like these books because they've been handed down.
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