On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 9:40:04 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 8 May 2020 19:22:34 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
> > wrote:
> >On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 9:18:51 PM UTC-5, Leo wrote:
> >> In the interest of expanding my moldy old horizons, I bought a 14 ounce
> >> plastic container of mild Nasoya kimchi from the refrigerated vegetable
> >> section at the grocery store. When I got it home, I let my wife and SIL put
> >> the groceries away.
> >> A couple of days later, I noticed the kimchi in the cupboard, and it says
> >> on the bottle that its perishable and to keep it refrigerated.. My SIL
> >> says she'll try it. My wife says she wont, and Im all askeert.
> >> So I think Ill chuck this one and buy another. Next time, theyll know
> >> to refrigerate this particular product.
> >> I came so close to trying kimchi for the first time. I would have bought
> >> hot for myself, but...
> >>
> >> leo
> >
> >Hmmm, let your nose be your guide. It's above your mouth for a reason! ;-)
> If you let your nose be your guide, you'll never eat kimchi.
There's a huge difference between the smell of fermented and rotten!
I know what kimchi is: fermented! Or should be.
John Kuthe...