On Fri, 08 May 2020 20:08:00 -0700, Leo >
>On 2020 May 8, , Bruce wrote
>(in >):
>> On Fri, 8 May 2020 19:22:34 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Hmmm, let your nose be your guide. It's above your mouth for a reason! ;-)
>> If you let your nose be your guide, you'll never eat kimchi.
>For both of you, I let my nose be my guide once when I bought Limburger
>cheese. I was in my early twenties, knew that it was supposed to stink,
>smelled it and threw it away. I regret that I didnt, at least, taste it.
>It is extinct, without shopping online, where I live. It smelled like a
>dead animal.
>Ill smell this questionable kimchi right now. Stay tuned...strong and a
>bit like rotten, but not dead animal. My wife is out. My SIL is in. Im
>on the fence.
>How many friends would show up to rock out at a kimchi-limburger party with
>home-pickled trout and a keg of beer if they couldnt have beer until
>they sampled all three specials and had their hand stamped per dish? Would
>they lie if they could?
I'd eat it all. Some things smell bad but taste good. Limburger, for
instance. I like kimchi too.