Thread: Kimchi
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Default Kimchi

On Fri, 08 May 2020 19:18:46 -0700, Leo >

>In the interest of expanding my moldy old horizons, I bought a 14 ounce
>plastic container of mild Nasoya kimchi from the refrigerated vegetable
>section at the grocery store. When I got it home, I let my wife and SIL put
>the groceries away.
>A couple of days later, I noticed the kimchi in the cupboard, and it says
>on the bottle that it’s perishable and to keep it refrigerated. My SIL
>says she'll try it. My wife says she won’t, and I’m all askeert.
>So I think I’ll chuck this one and buy another. Next time, they’ll know
>to refrigerate this particular product.
>I came so close to trying kimchi for the first time. I would have bought
>hot for myself, but...

Just for future reference, warm kimchi will NOT go bad. The purpose of
keeping it refrigerated is so that the probiotics will not produce
gasses causing smells or problems if left unopened for long periods of
It is so easy to make kimchi. I make like 4 large jars every few
months or as needed. I always keep some available. I have had kimchi
that sat on my shelf for weeks, then put it in the fridge and ran out
of room moved it back to the shelf then back to the fridge. Then I ate
some and it tasted exactly as it should have. If I were you I would
not ever buy the store bought crap because it is most likely injected
with all kinds of chemicals. Kimchi is wonderful when you make it. All
you need is a big bowl, water, salt, and napa cabbage. You can add
various other herbs like ginger and green onions but plain kimchi is


____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____