Leo wrote:
> In the interest of expanding my moldy old horizons, I bought a 14
> ounce plastic container of mild Nasoya kimchi from the refrigerated
> vegetable section at the grocery store. When I got it home, I let my
> wife and SIL put the groceries away.
> A couple of days later, I noticed the kimchi in the cupboard, and it
> says on the bottle that its perishable and to keep it refrigerated.
> My SIL says she'll try it. My wife says she wont, and Im all
> askeert. So I think Ill chuck this one and buy another. Next time,
> theyll know to refrigerate this particular product.
> I came so close to trying kimchi for the first time. I would have
> bought hot for myself, but...
> leo
LOL, I have a fresh batch of Kimchee going. Mine is radish, daikon,
carrot and Nappa cabbage. It's not going to be fermented nor will it
be super hot. It's a small batch of only 3 cups or so.
1/2 cup each then an added 1/2 cup cabbage of the bottoms. 1TB salt
and lots of water in a 6 cup container. Let sit for at least 4 hours.
Drain then *lightly rinse* (we like it salty). Add 1/2 ts red korean
pepper flakes and mix then add Kochujang to desired levels and mix.
Refridgerate what you didnt eat right away. ;-)