Dairy prices
On 2020-05-13 1:58 p.m., graham wrote:
> On 2020-05-13 11:14 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
about $3-something
>> I don't know what a quart of milk costs here.Â* A gallon recently
>> increased from $1.99 to $2.09.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> At those prices, it's no wonder that the US dairy farmers are in
> financial difficulties!
A couple major dairies have gone under recently. I have seen news
reports over the years of cows starving because farmers can't afford to
feed them. Our supply management came under fire at the recent trade
talks. Trump wanted us to drop tariffs on American dairy products so
that they could dump their products here. That will destroy the system
that keeps us with a steady supply of products with stable prices and
enables dairy farmers to make a decent living.