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  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Wow, you might as well ask where to eat in New York. There are so many
places. Especially expensive places.

We had a nice dinner at LaLot, which is new and doesn't make the lists.
But not inexpensive
Also a fun place was "five doors north" on Spadina (say Spa-dy-na, not
You say Spadeena, I say Spadyna. You say Rageena, I say Ragyna, let's
call the whole thing off, eh?) Not too pricey.

Oooh, and I have to mention the amazing breakfast I had at a place
called, "Insomnia." Bloor and Bathurst. Not cheap, but wonderful.

Head East on Bloor to the Korean enclave and get some Walnut Cakes.
These are little walnut shaped (I mean, 3D, batter based walnut
simulacrums) filled delights that, as far as I know, are unique to

The Kensington Market area is fun for the food inclined.

And if you haven't tried bubble tea, try some.

Forget dining around St Lawrence Market for lunch - dine IN st.
lawrence market for lunch.

Definitely buy a transit pass. You can ride the train, the buss, and
the cablecar and get anywhere you want to go.

Also have some of my ice cream - Greg's Ice Cream. Ok, it's not really
_mine_, which probably explains why I couldn't talk them into a
freebie. I should look in to truth in advertising laws in Ontario.

Zagats has a Toronto restaurant guide (and they have a free
downloadable PDA version) that is usefull. We also liked the Frommers
guide. Guidebooks are great resources. also has Toronto
info. There's so much info availlable, your head could explode.