On Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 1:11:37 PM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
> >
> > https://stlouis.craigslist.org/ele/d...125041101.html
> >
> > Wow! :-) Klipsch's best speakers! Late 1970's!
> >
> > John Kuthe...
> They might have been top of the line 40-some years ago but
> they are ancient ones now. Speakers do age and go bad.
> Look for new top of the line speakers if you're still
> looking for ways to blow any money that you have left.
I bought some 1977 Klipsch La Scalas used a couple of years ago and they sounded excellent from Day one after I bought them! Then to refurbish them somewhat I purchased new "balancing networks (crossovers) and new more modern tweeters both from Bob Crites, a very well known maker of replacement and improvement parts for old Klipsch speakers and now they sound even better! Old audiophile speakers like Klipsch and were built to last, and they do.
Today we live in a world of disposable electronics, not repairable that need replacing every few years. Sich sad and TRUE!
John Kuthe...