On Monday, May 18, 2020 at 6:09:20 AM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-05-18 11:16 a.m., Gary wrote:
> > Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sat, 16 May 2020 11:22:54 -0700 (PDT), "
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 12:34:24 PM UTC-5, Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> My grandmother used a strip of small dried bamboo with splits in the
> >>>> end. It really hurt lol
> >>>>
> >>> My mother pretty much used a switch, had to be green so it would be flexible,
> >>> and several leaves left on the end to give that extra sting.
> >>>
> >>> A childhood girlfriends mother used a paddle her husband made with small
> >>> holes drilled in it. He always admonished her when the kids were hellions
> >>> "Don't threaten, do!"
> >>>
> >>> A girl at work used a ping pong paddle on her son. She said it was a great
> >>> attention getter (his).
> >>
> >> My daughter once said she hated those Dr Scholl wooden sandals I wore
> >> when they were kids, very useful sometimes having them right there
> >> with you 
> >
> > One morning, when my daughter was age 3-4, my wife and I were in
> > the kitchen talking and she came in and kept doing something
> > annoying (don't remember what). I finally turned to her and said,
> > "If you don't stop that, I'm going to spank you."
> >
> > To our surprise, she immediately turned and ran back into her
> > bedroom and shut the door.
> >
> > About 5 minutes later she came back and looked at me defiantly
> > and said, "Go ahead and spank me dad, see if I care!"
> >
> My son got a few spankings when he was young. There were no props used,
> just quick smack of the hand. Beating a child will only make the kid
> blame and hate the one who beats them. To be effective, a spank has to
> be immediate so they associate their action with the discomfort that
> followed.
The old timers would tell me of getting popped with the flat palm of the hand on their ear. Evidently, this lead to broken eardrums. That was shocking to me. As disciplinary tactics goes, this seems more like a US Navy Seals hand to hand combat technique.