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(bruce) writes:
> > I'm Drinking (and loving) an organic yunan green from Rishi that was
> > plucked from "ancient" tea trees. It reminds me so much of an organic
> > green darjeeling I had not long ago. Both have large leaves and
> > similar flavors and can be re-steeped many times. You puehr drinkers
> > must be familiar with yunnan teas, are they the same variety as
> > darjeeling tea bushes?

> I'm actually enjoying another Yunnan green these days, but it doesn't
> remind me of anything from Darjeeling I've ever tasted; its leading
> characteristic is a strong fruity, alsmost citrusy scent and taste. I
> wouldn't assume that Yunnan greens are necessarily related even to
> Puerhs, much less Darjeelings, for Yunnan is a very big place and
> Puerhs come from Xishuangbanna, which is a relatively small part of
> Yunnan. But this is just guesswork, and others may have more specific
> information.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /

Very interesting. I love learning about tea and obviously I have a
lot more learning to do! I still stand by what I said though about
similar tastes.

Anyway, upon inspection these green leaves have dark spots like many
greens have (though this one has slighty more than most). Does that
indicate some small level of oxidation?