OT I LOVE my Turntable. I love vinyl!
GM wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > John Kuthe wrote:
> >
> > I have a collection of over 600 vinyl lps.
> > - some from the 1950's
> > - more from the 1960's
> > - most of them from the 1970's
> > - and a few from the 1980's
> >
> > I have them all stored on a long shelf, stacked upright
> > like books are stored.
> >
> > Several would be collector's items now except my darn
> > cat always used that for a scratching post. All the albums
> > are in good shape except for the ragged narrow ends of the
> > covers.
> >
> > Many more old ones too on cassette tape and even some
> > on the old 8-track tapes.
> Did ya ever have a reel - to - reel, in the early 70's
I almost bought one - a 4-track just so I could add tracks to
my own songs and make it sound like a band was playing.
I did make a few "duet" songs of myself. Very cheap versions
though. I used my duel cassette player. I recorded a song
with microphone and played guitar and sang. Then played that
back with a microphone next to speaker and one for myself and
the second cassette recorded both. Fun to do.
Would be very cool to do it right with a multi-track recorder.
George Harrison did that for his "All Things Must Pass" album