On 6/28/2020 4:38 PM, CookinYeti wrote:
> Hey! I am sorry if I have offended any one here, that was not my intentions and a apologize for anything.
> Sorry I didnt realize I didnt even mention the cut. These were about an inch thick T-bone steaks. But what really made them is the quality, as they had come from a local ranch and very fresh. Although not every one has the option of buying the best all the time. In college I often bought the cheap steaks and used various methods to still make them taste good.
> As for the the choice of mesquite, I knew an hour of smoking would not impart much flavor in such little time, so I wanted something a bit stronger. They came out tasting good, they had a smokey flavor, but didnt over power the meat. In the future, I dont think I will use mesquite but something more in the middle.
> In the end this was a bit of an experiment and I just wanted to show the results and get the opinion of others to see if they had tried something similar.
Fair enough and thank you for bothering to read the replies. Now learn
to quote so folks are able to easily follow the thread and perhaps
you'll find some people with ideas.