"CookinYeti" wrote in message
Hey! I am sorry if I have offended any one here, that was not my intentions
and a apologize for anything.
Sorry I didnt realize I didnt even mention the cut. These were about an inch
thick T-bone steaks. But what really made them is the quality, as they had
come from a local ranch and very fresh. Although not every one has the
option of buying the best all the time. In college I often bought the cheap
steaks and used various methods to still make them taste great
As for the the choice of mesquite, I knew an hour of smoking would not
impart much flavor in such little time, so I wanted something a bit
stronger. They came out tasting good, they had a smokey flavor, but didnt
over power the meat. In the future, I dont think I will use mesquite but
something more in the middle.
In the end this was a bit of an experiment and I just wanted to show the
results and get the opinion of others to see if they had tried something
Thank you for sharing

I like to hear how different things go
