On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:55:04 +0100, Pamela >
>On 17:27 27 Jun 2020, CookinYeti said:
>> So for fathers day we got some amazing steaks and decided to smoke them
>> instead of grilling them. This was one of the few times I had such high
>> quality meat, so I seasoned them with just salt and pepper, and smoked
>> them with mesquite for an hour.
>> They were absolutely tasty and I would recommend this to any one.
>> Do you guys have any experience smoking steaks, how do you do it? Which
>> woods, what seasoning?
>> Also are you guys planning any good BBQs for the 4th of july coming up?
>> Here is a video of me making them!
>> https://youtu.be/JU8uYbVjbBI
>Nicely made video. Looks professional.
Doesn't look professional to me. Not well marbled, nor properly
trimmed, way too much fat on the exterior.
Way, way too much salt... I don't salt steak prior to cooking, draws
the moisture out. I salt at table afer cooking, that's what salt
shakers are for.