I bought a lrg can of Peanut Patch boiled peanuts.
Not too bad, but iffy. A lot of them hadda be tossed cuz the nut-meat
jes wouldn't come outta the shell. Too swollen by most stds (the can
was fulla water), so apparently they had been pressure cooked.
I recall doing boiled peanuts on my cheapO electric stove, with a person-
from-here's recipe. Now, I have a 2 qt Crock-Pot to cook boiled
peanuts in. Can anyone help me?
I've seen everything from 18 hrs on "hi" to 4-6 hrs on "low". Spicy,
Cajun, salted, plain, start-with-green (I didn't), yadda, yadda. I
don't wanna have the nuts so cooked, I can't get 'em outta the shell,
but I got "geezer teeth". It's all I can do to chew off "al dente"
strands of pasta.