On Tue, 7 Jul 2020 20:05:13 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 7/7/2020 7:46 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 6/29/2020 10:38 AM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>> Doesn't look professional to me.* Not well marbled, nor properly
>>> trimmed, way too much fat on the exterior.
>>> Way, way too much salt... I don't salt steak prior to cooking, draws
>>> the moisture out.* I salt at table afer cooking, that's what salt
>>> shakers are for.
>> Sheldon, you've been proven wrong about that many times.* It's fine if
>> *believe* in salting meat before cooking it.* But your premis is simply
>> not true.* Salt gets drawn in, then it comes back out.* Salt actually
>> helps tenderize tough cuts of meat and make them more juicy.* Like that
>> top sirloin you're so very fond of.
>> Jill
>I intended to say it's fine if you DON't believe in salting meat before
>cooking it.
Salt/sodium is a powerful desiccant... used to dry raw meat for