On Wed, 08 Jul 2020 23:19:42 +0100, Pamela >
>On 22:42 8 Jul 2020, Bruce said:
>> On Wed, 08 Jul 2020 22:27:59 +0100, Pamela >
>> wrote:
>>>I can't say I miss steak at all -- even though I consider red meat to be
>>>nutritionally important.
>> I'm doing fine without any meat.
>Far too many veggies suffer decline after a few decades. No vitamin B12,
>insufficient carnitine, not enough iron, too little zinc. It's not a
>problem at first but after a decade the depletion can be a different
>matter for some whose metabolism isn't 100%. I had to spend time helping a
>friend recover herself from years of veggie eating (despite taking a multi
>vit/min) -- not that she would consider meat but we slowly replenished
>what had become depleted when she stayed with me.
Well, there you go. You fixed her up without the need for meat.
>Another veggie friend of mine has been veggie since childhood and shows no
>problems with things like B12 inadequacy. She must be recycling it very
>efficiently and perhaps it's creeping into her diet somewhere unknown. In
>India it's been observed that faeces from crop fertilisation unexpectedly
>provides useful amounts of B12 for vegetarians. Also my friend must be
>manufacturing carnitine very effectively. I don't preach about her choice
>but I'll help if needed.
I eat fish and a lot of our hens' eggs, so I'll be ok for B12.
>This guy tried being a vegan but had to relent. As I recall he was telling
>me by email that, for some reason, he found lamb particularly good
>nutritionally. Go figure.
I'm sure that vegans, especially, need to do research and replace what
they're not getting from animal products.