Thread: Steaks
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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Correction ( Steaks)

On 7/8/2020 5:27 PM, Pamela wrote:
> On 17:43 8 Jul 2020, Cindy Hamilton said:
>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 12:07:03 PM UTC-4, Pamela wrote:
>>> On 16:18 8 Jul 2020, Cindy Hamilton said:
>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 10:57:20 AM UTC-4, Sheldon wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 7 Jul 2020 20:05:13 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 7/7/2020 7:46 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>>> On 6/29/2020 10:38 AM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Doesn't look professional to me.テつ* Not well marbled, nor
>>>>>>>> properly trimmed, way too much fat on the exterior. Way, way too
>>>>>>>> much salt... I don't salt steak prior to cooking, draws the
>>>>>>>> moisture out.テつ* I salt at table afer cooking, that's what salt
>>>>>>>> shakers are for.
>>>>>>> Sheldon, you've been proven wrong about that many times.テつ* It's
>>>>>>> fine if *believe* in salting meat before cooking it.テつ* But your
>>>>>>> premis is simply not true.テつ* Salt gets drawn in, then it comes
>>>>>>> back out. Salt actually helps tenderize tough cuts of meat and
>>>>>>> make them more juicy.テつ* Like that top sirloin you're so very fond
>>>>>>> of.
>>>>>>> Jill
>>>>>> I intended to say it's fine if you DON't believe in salting meat
>>>>>> before cooking it.
>>>>>> Jill
>>>>> Salt/sodium is a powerful desiccant... used to dry raw meat for
>>>>> curing.
>>>> True, if you allow the moisture drawn out of the steak to evaporate
>>>> and/or if you use a lot of salt.
>>>> First it draws moisture out of the steak. Then, because the steak is

>>>> now drier than the moisture surrounding it, moisture goes back in to
>>>> the steak bringing salt with it. Eventually it achieves osmotic
>>>> balance.
>>>> The trick is to not use too much salt.
>>>> If I sprinkle a little salt on a steak, wrap it up, and leave it for
>>>> an hour or more, when I come back there is no excessive moisture on
>>>> the outside of the steak, the meat is salted throughout, and it cooks
>>>> up nice and juicy because the salt on the inside tends to hold on to
>>>> the water on the inside. Much better than simply salting the
>>>> exterior at the last minute.
>>>> Not that I think you'll believe me or this guy either:
>>>> <
>>>> perfect-steaks.html>
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> Intersting account although I thought his need to sear meat to keep in
>>> moisture has been debunked in recent years.

>> He doesn't sear meat to keep in moistu
>> [W]e all know that searing absolutely positively does not "seal in
>> juice," right? It serves as a means of adding color and flavor and
>> enhancing texture.

> Quite so.
>>> Not that I eat enough steak to try it for myself.

>> Steak is what we eat when we can't think of anything else, but don't
>> want breakfast for dinner. Perhaps a couple of times a month.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> I can't say I miss steak at all -- even though I consider red meat to be
> nutritionally important.

I've cut waaaaay back on beef consumption. I used to make a steak as a
single portion, now, on the few times a year I have it that same piece
of beef is good for two meals. There are other forms of protein that
fill in the nutritional needs for you.

I have a vegetarian/pescatarian friend that we've shared many meals
together but about once a year, he just wants that big ole steak.