On Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 6:33:24 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Jul 2020 16:15:14 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
> > I'm going to make Calzones for dinner. Just cheese for the filling.
> Boring.
> I'm picturing one of the "As Seen On TV" kitchen gimmicks where they
> show some bobblehead breaking eggs all over the stove.
> Here it is:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XILbEZlS0U
> That's Julie trying to make calzones.
> > I was looking at recipes to get a bake time/temp. It was hard to find many
> > recipes for just cheese. Most were broccoli and cheese or spinach and
> > cheese. And most had sauce inside. Also, many were made into squares,
> > triangles. rectangles, etc.
> Where in the **** are you looking up these recipes? Calzones are
> mixed Italian cheeses with ricotta and (should be) some sort of
> meat. Optional green pepper and onion. Marinara on the side.
> You'd be better of just making a grilled cheese sandwich.
One thing I don't get about Julie is why she has that awful pic of her face that appears on GoogleGroups. One thing I've noticed is that most people look better wearing Covid-19 masks. Julie would benefit more than most if her face were masked.
> -sw