Thread: Calzones
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SNAG SNAG is offline
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Default Calzones

On 7/11/2020 6:15 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I'm going to make Calzones for dinner. Just cheese for the filling. I
> think I make them once before and my then husband was not impressed as
> they were not authentic. Not many places make them here. I don't recall
> ever getting any in NY. I had my first one in Reno but didn't like it as
> they used only Ricotta for the filling. Had them many times in PA where
> they used Ricotta mixed with other cheeses.
> One thing all had in common was there was no sauce inside. Sauce was
> served on the side to dip them in.
> I was looking at recipes to get a bake time/temp. It was hard to find
> many recipes for just cheese. Most were broccoli and cheese or spinach
> and cheese. And most had sauce inside. Also, many were made into
> squares, triangles. rectangles, etc.
> To me, a Calzone is a folded over circle and has no sauce inside. How do
> you make yours?

I make them with sauce inside , along with pretty much the same toppings
I use for pizza . Because that's the way WE like them .
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