jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/12/2020 5:32 AM, Gary wrote:
> > jmcquown wrote:
> >>
> >> On 7/11/2020 7:15 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>
> >>> To me, a Calzone is a folded over circle and has no sauce inside.
> >>
> >> To you, a Calzone is a piece of nothing baked dough.
> >
> > Why did you snip a relevant part of what she wrote?
> >
> > Julie said:
> >> To me, a Calzone is a folded over circle and has no sauce
> >> inside. How do you make yours?"
> >
> > Rather than writing as "mean Jill," you could have
> > offered a recipe idea. Or you could have just not
> > responded at all.
> >
> We could say the same thing about you. In the baked buffalo chicken
> wings thread you completely snipped my method for making "buffalo wings"
> in the oven under the the broiler rather than frying. You focused
> instead on me saying I discard the wing tips, not worth saving even for
> stock. Apparently in your mind that means I've never made chicken
> stock. You'd be wrong about that. You're wrong about so many things.
What I snipped was not relevant to my comment to you.
Who cares how you make chicken wings?
You said, and I quoted:
> Discarded the tips, they aren't worth the
> time, no not even for stock.
That's what I quoted as that was the only thing I was responding
to. That is proper snipping for Usenet.
Get real, girl. Maybe get out of the house more and not just out
on your back patio.
Better yet, when you respond emotionally, save as draft, sleep on
it then read again in the morning before deciding whether to send
or not.
As far as you making chicken stock? Maybe once years ago. You
wouldn't toss out any chicken part if you did. If so, that
would be kinda dumb to do.
BTW, your method of making buffalo wings was quite odd too.
I'm even doubting now that you've made those.
Your method is so wrong.