Do you like pasta?
On 2020-07-15 2:39 p.m., Giulia wrote:
> I am a student for real. I am attending the last year of the Master of
> Science in Marketing Management at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy).
> Please see the name of my university in the link I sent.
> For my masters thesis I am studying the impact of Covid-19 on pasta
> purchasing habits in the US market. Before Covid, I was doing an
> internship in New York at a company in the pasta sector.
> Its an academic research project: all the data will be treated
> anonymously and will not be disclosed, according to the current privacy
> legislation. Indeed you are not required to give personal information.
> I am trying to spread the survey on different channels/forums/social
> media because I need to collect at least 150 answers in order to
> consider the reasearch valid. Otherwise, I will not be able to
> graduate.
> I thought that here I would meet people who are interested in
> cooking/food and so would willing to help me! If you are not interested
> you are not required to partecipate, but please do not say false things
> without even a single proof. Thank you.
> However, I am available for further questions if you want more details!
Well, there you go. You fooled us with the email address. We sort of
expected a .edu domain for a study instead of foodbanter.