On Monday, July 13, 2020 at 8:57:30 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> Bryan Simmons wrote:
> >
> >
> > He is 18, and so independent, and so little trouble in every single other way. He bought his own car. He buys his own clothes, and has since he was about 16. He's been doing his own laundry for several years. The food thing is the only way that he's spoiled, and I like spoiling people with my cooking. He pushes me to try new things too. As often as not, the first sentence he says to me every day is some version of, "What's for dinner?" Often, the first thing he says to his mother is, "Are you hungry," because she makes him things like crepes with fresh fruit for breakfast. She is the sweet foods person, and I am the savory foods person. She's obsessed with baking, and has even taken master classes from this guy: https://us.valrhona.com/chocolate-cu...nathaniel-reid
> >
> > My wife will miss him terribly when he moves out, but as spoiled as we have him food-wise, there's no doubt we'll be seeing him at least a few times a week as long as he's still in St. Louis.
> >
> > --Bryan
> Maybe he'll rent a room in John's house. Rent is cheap there and
> right next to the college, etc. Bet you would love that.
He's not going to college. He's been studying to be a land broker, like the folks who flip houses, but with land. He knows how to make and move money around. I can't help but be dubious about the whole thing, but he's an 18 YO with a credit score in the high 700s.
When I was almost exactly his age, I was promoted to lead person (foreman) of a cleaning crew. I'd tested out of high school at 16, but I wasn't ambitious, career wise. Heck, I didn't have a car, but I had a job that paid decently, even though it *was* third shift, a monthly bus pass, a skateboard, and a truly spectacular girlfriend. Plus, I fronted the first punk band in StL. Unfortunately, both the band and the girlfriend ended after a few years because of alcohol and drug abuse.
A few months ago, I was at a doctor appointment. My wife has been his patient for longer than any other patient, having gone to him since 1987, and I'm second, going to him since 1989, so we know each other very well. I told him that I'm probably the most underemployed person he's ever known, and he said there's no question about that. My son tells me that it won't be long before he'll have me working for him, making a lot more money than I make now, handling the sales (no cold calling) for his business. We'll see.
I'd love my job if it weren't for the virus, because I don't consider my workplace safe, as coworkers, and even management, are *Lake of the Ozarks* sloppy about face coverings and social distancing.
My life has seldom been dictated by fear, but I'm scared of Covid-19. Every rational person should be scared of it. Every decent person should be on board with face covering and social distancing. My department shares a small stockroom with another department, and there was a new guy there today who had his mask pulled down, exposing his nostrils. I told him that I would appreciate if he would fully cover his face, and that if he did, I'd promise not to fart in the stockroom, but otherwise, "all bets are off." He complied. Hey, that's fair. I understand that wearing the face covering is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable for me too, but so is holding in a fart..