Correction ( Steaks)
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-07-16 7:06 a.m., Gary wrote:
> > Bryan Simmons wrote:
> >> Every decent person should be on board with face covering and
> >> social distancing.
> >
> > So true. These idiots that refuse to wear masks in public
> > will hopefully get a very bad case and learn the hard way.
> >
> > Not only do they endanger themselves but other people too.
> >
> We had an American moment here yesterday. Some guy up in cottage country
> refused to wear a mask in a store and got into an altercation with a
> clerk and assaulted the guy. Cops were called. They had to call of the
> chase because he was driving so dangerously but got his plate info and
> went to his house. There was some sort of "interaction" and the cops
> shot him.
Sounds like "no big loss."