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Alex[_31_] Alex[_31_] is offline
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Default FINISHED painting interior of front door!

Gary wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
>> I painted the surround and inside of the house. I want to paint the door red. I've seen several red doors in Bel Nor and they look great!

> You need to consider your color combination.
> A red door surrounded by that nice blue sounds bad.
> You need some white to go with that blue, imo.
> The nice "accent" doors you've seen were not with blue frames.
> You already have a decent red on the outside of your door.
> That's your accent door. Same color on dormer above.
> That looks good with the white trim and reddish brick
> on your house.
>> Have some paint cleaning uop to do first, on the stained glass! Sloppy painting on my part! :-( I will get it cleaned off! I have wire brushes!

> Don't use a wire brush, for God's sake. It won't clean your
> edges but it will scratch the hell out your stained glass.
> Main use for a wire brush is to clean the stock of your
> paint brushes.
> Use single edge razor blades. For each edge, first use the corner
> to cut the corner right where the glass meets the wood. Then use
> the flat of the blade to scrape paint off the glass.
> I would probably use 3-4 blades for that...keep a sharp one.
> Opps...that's stained glass not smooth glass. This will be a
> very time consuming job to remove that paint. That's something
> you should have not taped and just painted very slowly and
> carefully and NOT gotten any paint on it in the first place.
> Live and learn.

He doesn't pay attention to advise.Â* He just bitches about his mistakes