On 6/27/20 10:27 AM, CookinYeti wrote:
> So for fathers day we got some amazing steaks and decided to smoke them instead of grilling them. This was one of the few times I had such high quality meat, so I seasoned them with just salt and pepper, and smoked them with mesquite for an hour.
> They were absolutely tasty and I would recommend this to any one.
> Do you guys have any experience smoking steaks, how do you do it? Which woods, what seasoning?
> Also are you guys planning any good BBQs for the 4th of july coming up?
Preferred hardwoods are pecan, hickory and oak for me. Mesquite is a
rather harsh smoke and better for a fast sear cook since it burns rather
hot. Methods vary depending on cut of beef selected, size, thickness etc.
Seems a lot of places only have mesquite infused charcoal briquets these
days. Briquets are not that great and mesquite flavored are even worse.
I would actually venture to say they may ruin your cook.
Everyone here has cooked a steak. Well .. on second thought there is one
very odd exception.