Tiles back on!
On 2020-07-17 12:23 p.m., jay wrote:
> On 7/17/20 8:49 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Talk about high insurance.Â* I read that just a GP doctor
>> paid about 100K per year for insurance 30 years ago.
>> I don't doubt it.
> I think the big risk is someone falling off.Â* Personal injury can cost
> them kagillions.
A have a neighbour who has a window and siding business and did small
roofing jobs too. He used to hire Stewart, the son of the woman who
used to live across the street from us. Stewart had some mental health
issues and did a lot of self medicating with alcohol and pot. Bill had
to fire Stewart because he had fallen of roofs so often. He figured on
day he would really get hurt.