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Default FINISHED painting interior of front door!

On Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 9:57:28 AM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2020 wrote:
> >
> >Why didn't you install solar panels on your roof? You could have generated
> >your own electricity and probably sold some back to your local power company.

> I doubt his roof has enough area at the correct exposure for solar
> panels to produce much.

It would depend on the direction his house faces. He's got enough roof
surface he could have several panels plus his garage roof would accomodate
more panels.

> Where I live a lot of people place the solar
> panels in their yard on posts that are cemented into the ground so
> they're up off the ground so they can mow around them and so they can
> brush the snow off. They don't like to place them on their roof as
> they will cause the roof to leak.

Properly installed solar panels do not cause leaks. There are some
available that actually open like ladies handheld fan but these open
a full 360° and are mounted on a post. But these are quite expen$ive.
> I doubt it would work well on that
> tile roof anyway, they'd have to drill a lot of bolt holes.

He was needing a new roof anyway. He could have replaced it with longlife
asphalt shingles and the money he saved on the roofing could have been used
for solar panels.
> I thought about installing solar panels here and even had a company do
> a survey. I have several acres they could use but I didn't want to
> look at those ugly panels and there would be a lot of mowing and snow
> removal. Plus more than half the time they'd produce no elctricity,
> they produce nothing at night or on cloudy days.

That's why you stay on the electric company's grid to provide you with power
on days with extended cloudiness, snow, or rain.
> Once installed I'd
> be responsible for their maintenence and repairs.

Just like you are responsible for maintenance on your house and vehicles.
> The panels are
> mostly made of plastic, UV light wreaks havoc on those panels so they
> don't last long.

That, I don't know. But I don't hear people complaining about replacing
those panels all the time.
> Solar panels are okay for a few small light bulbs
> but would need a lot of panels to run A/C, an electric stove, a
> clothes dryer, a fridge/freezer, charge an electric car, fergetabout
> it.

Not true. Depending on how many panels you have installed they can power
a large house.
> Solar power is a long way into the future. Solar is good for
> powering small electronics, like a calculator, a medical thermometer,
> a toothbrush, a clock. The main drawback to solar is transmission.

Again, not true. The one thing that holds people back from installing
the panels is the initial cost.