Tiles back on!
cshenk wrote:
> Taxed and Spent wrote:
>> On 7/18/2020 9:54 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 11:38:15 AM UTC-5, Taxed and Spent
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 7/18/2020 9:33 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>> On Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 11:05:15 AM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 17 Jul 2020 18:16:00 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>>> I am far from broke and I still have plenty invested to
>>>>>>> cover the whole Old World Roofing contract for $117,671+ if
>>>>>>> needed. And when I was talking with Lance the foreman and I
>>>>>>> mentioned the total amount I still have he seemed to feel
>>>>>>> I'd not need near that much to finish this contract. :-)
>>>>>> Wait..... you told the people who are ripping you off how
>>>>>> much money you have left?!?!?
>>>>>> -sw
>>>>> No one is ripping me off. And how much money I have left is
>>>>> rather personal. None of YOUR BUSINESS!
>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>> I am a roofer. Will you tell me?
>>> Tell you what?
>>> John Kuthe...
>> What you got to tell?
> Laugh if you will but I just contracted to have a friend's wheelchair
> house ramp finished off. The contractor knows me but I reiterated, 'I
> expect your crew to get a living wage'. Very few start that way.
> Contractor knows I am paying for it all. I expect 200$ materials (plus
> labor to pickup the materials) and 500$ labor since they also have to
> dig out a 42x12inch bit of dirt to 4 inches deep then slope it with
> cement to the driveway. All but the digging and cement is just cutting
> and nailing.
> We will see.
> My friend has Lupus and MS and is rapidly going wheelchair bound. High
> medical bills and the base of her ramp has been not only inspected for
> codespec, but was partly built BY inspectors. Her husband is a nice
> guy but not handy at this sort of thing.
> 40 or so of us built the base and this is just the finishing parts.
> For me, I can make the final payments on my 2018 Nissan Rogue, or wait
> for next month to do that (next car payment due 2023) and fix it for my
> friend. I chose to fix it for my friend.
Why not finish the job and have a nice tile roofed portico?