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I go to Toronto every couple of years for months at a time.

I had the most wonderful meal at a restaurant called "Chiado" which is
Portuguese. It's on University and really is one of the really fine meals
I've had.

Bistro 99, near the hotel I usually stay at is very nice and convenient.

I love a little restaurant on Church Street (near Wellesley) called

There's a very happening Greek restaurant called Lola's or Lolita's (I
forget) which is very nice (but very noisy).

"Zywicki" > wrote in message
> Wow, you might as well ask where to eat in New York. There are so many
> places. Especially expensive places.
> We had a nice dinner at LaLot, which is new and doesn't make the lists.
> But not inexpensive
> Also a fun place was "five doors north" on Spadina (say Spa-dy-na, not
> spa-dee-na.
> You say Spadeena, I say Spadyna. You say Rageena, I say Ragyna, let's
> call the whole thing off, eh?) Not too pricey.
> Oooh, and I have to mention the amazing breakfast I had at a place
> called, "Insomnia." Bloor and Bathurst. Not cheap, but wonderful.
> Head East on Bloor to the Korean enclave and get some Walnut Cakes.
> These are little walnut shaped (I mean, 3D, batter based walnut
> simulacrums) filled delights that, as far as I know, are unique to
> Toronto.
> The Kensington Market area is fun for the food inclined.
> And if you haven't tried bubble tea, try some.
> Forget dining around St Lawrence Market for lunch - dine IN st.
> lawrence market for lunch.
> Definitely buy a transit pass. You can ride the train, the buss, and
> the cablecar and get anywhere you want to go.
> Also have some of my ice cream - Greg's Ice Cream. Ok, it's not really
> _mine_, which probably explains why I couldn't talk them into a
> freebie. I should look in to truth in advertising laws in Ontario.
> Zagats has a Toronto restaurant guide (and they have a free
> downloadable PDA version) that is usefull. We also liked the Frommers
> guide. Guidebooks are great resources. also has Toronto
> info. There's so much info availlable, your head could explode.