On 5/18/19 at 3:16AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > Biscuits were a staple in the American South. I believe they still are. My guess is people up North can't understand the South's love of this humble fare. I suppose they're good enough if you put enough gravy on 'em or slather the hell out of them with jam.
> History wise, American north had more wealth. The American south
> had a handful of rich plantation owners but many in the south
> were slaves.
> Slaves on a plantation were given crop and animal scraps to eat
> while the rich owners ate all the prime food. Those slaves
> weren't dummies though and they learned to make killer food with
> whatever scraps they were allowed to eat. IOW, they took lemons
> and turned them into lemonade.
> Much of southern food now originated with the slave era and imo
> is some pretty damn good food too.
But, having trouble fitting-in and being marginalized caused southern free blacks and slaves to sometimes have different eating habits all together.
Slave-like conditions were also with blacks elsewhere outside of the south, even on the other side of the Atlantic.