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Michael Plant
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> I checked this out with some friends. Surprise, surprise, it ain't no
> surprise at all. Of the 3 main factories in Yunnan, Menghai's primary
> export is compressed disc teas in the names of Beengchas (Bingchas) /
> Yuanchas / Tie Bingchas / Qi Zi Bingchas (7-sons), etc. Does your Beengcha
> (Bingcha) have English label such as "Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha, China
> National Native produce & Animal By-products Import & Export Cooperation,
> Yunnan Tea Branch" etc? That's the most obvious sign that it is produced in
> Menghai. Both Kunming & Xiaguan rarely print their bilingual labels. The
> other tell-tale signs would be the prints on the wrappers, however I'm no
> expert in this field, so I'll leave it to others who are to contribute.
> Samar.

Danny, Samar, whoever:

So, do I understand that only the Menghai bunch in Yunnan uses the "Natinal
Native Produce and Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation" label?
That's interesting news.
