Rice is ON! 9:15AM Brown rice in a cooking pot
On Thu, 06 Aug 2020 08:06:04 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>"Jeßus" wrote:
>> On Wed, 05 Aug 2020 23:24:20 -0700, Leo >
>> wrote:
>> >If you eat Limburger cheese, you can eat raw sewage which smells better, and
>> >you’re tougher than me.
>> The only cheese that I couldn't take to. I bought some many years ago,
>> as I'd been wanting to try it. It was both runny and firm... and just
>> plain rank.
>I saw it in the grocery store once and smelled it. I didn't buy
>it. I've always wondered who was the very first person brave
>enough to try it.
I would assume hungry people first tried it. Somebody's got to be
first, much like the discovery of using salt or spices to preserve