Thread: Man Bag
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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Man Bag

In article >, says...
> Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:37:45 -0400, Sheldon Martin wrote:
> >
> > > Got a notice in the mail today that says I get 20% off and free
> > > shipping on anything over $75. I've been wanting this for about a
> > > year now, my 30 year old one has gotten kind of shabby:
> > >
> >
> > Why? You never go anyplace. Not to visit your wife in the nearby
> > hospital, nor to see your kids or grandkids who also live pretty
> > close by.

> Does Sheldon have any kids of his own (biological)?

Yes he does, pay attention. Daughter and grandkids.

I used to make recycled stuff for a charity to sell; I had a
brilliant idea for a manbag made out of a beautiful old tweed jacket.
It was lined with the original silk and had various pockets (inside and
out). Plus a shoulder strap made from a sleeve. The sale label said
"Mangag , for the man who has everything buy nowhere to put it. It never
sold so eventually I took it home and gave it to John, who very rarely
uses it, don't know why as his pockets are always laden with essential
manstuff. I've used the manbag more often than he has. I still think
it's a great idea and a great bag but it must be ahead of its time.

Janet UK