On Friday, August 7, 2020 at 5:10:55 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Friday, August 7, 2020 at 3:11:54 PM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > And that's why I don't carry a purse when I'm shopping. Wallet in one
> > pocket, keys in the other.
> >
> > Cindy Hamilton
> >
> I've tried the wallet in one pocket and keys in another; I don't need any
> bulges on my hips or thighs.
What difference does it make?
> Even though my billfold is a French clutch
> and not stuffed, it's too large for some pockets. Some of my pants don't
> even have pockets
I won't buy pants without pockets.
> but I can get away with it in the wintertime when I wear
> a jacket.
> https://i.postimg.cc/pLvr60P3/French-Clutch.jpg
> (No, I don't have a Gucci billfold.)
Mine's a ballistic nylon trifold. Probably intended for a man, but
I don't care.
Cindy Hamilton