On 8/17/2020 9:38 AM, Gary wrote:
> Janet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> https://i.postimg.cc/ZRq4nsJy/New-Mask.jpg
>>> In MY colors!
>> So, the new nursing job didn't even issue a mask before they sacked
>> you.
(snipped stupid link)
>>> To all the White Supremacist ****ERS to KILLED THE FIRST AMERICANS!
>>> John Kuthe, Climate Anarchist, Suburban Renewalist and Vegetarian
>> Translation
>> Indians from India rejected Kuthe-culture so he's transferred his
>> tribal allegiance to Native Americans. More drums and meat.
>> Vegetarianism will shortly be replaced by a diet of meat, hunted
>> and killed by John with his bow and arrow on that prairie behind his
>> native tepee in St. Louis.
> Even more interesting is that his t-shirt is not about indians,
> it's t-shirt from a Canadian rock band. heheh
He's just crying for attention because no one cares about his roof or
his copper nails or his VSTD food. His rants vary from day to day.