Can't get Just Mayo
On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 04:56:42 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 23:23:37 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:42:42 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I'm not totally out, but want more. Only place I've seen it for a
>>>>> reasonable
>>>>> price is Walmart online. Actually, no brick and mortar stores around
>>>>> here
>>>>> sell it any more and only one other place sells the plain/regular stuff
>>>>> online, but the price is insane and so is the shipping. Wah! How will I
>>>>> make
>>>>> tuna salad?
>>>> Good news! It looks like they stopped making it. The only product
>>>> they now peddle is "Just Egg" (Surprise! It isn't egg).
>>>> If Walmart still sells it online, it's probably about to expire (or
>>>> alrerady has).
>>>> So enough about it, OK? You want to ague with me about it (I know
>>>> you do), then email the company FIRST and let us know what they say.
>>> Walmart is out. They *had* stopped making it but then started making it
>>> again.
>> Gee, everybody is out. And it's not listed on their website. And
>> they changed the name of their company because they have a sordid
>> past - especially with the mayo hi-jinks they pulled (labeling it
>> "mayo" was the least of it - they got a got a bum rap from Kraft and
>> Unilever on that).
>> Give it up. It's gone. There are plenty of other vegan mayos out
>> there on the market (though not called "mayonnaise" for legal
>> reasons) - including Hellmans and Sir Kensingtons - which is
>> supposedly "the best" real mayyonise brand).
> Untrue Steve. If you go to the bottom of their website it is listed. Regular
> and chipotle. I have seen the chipotle for sale. Don't like chipotle.
Heh. I'll be damned. It's the third-to-the-last word on that fancy
website, right before the terms of use and privacy policy in TINY
letters, and right after another product that never even existed.
Get a clue, Julie. It's GONE! Don't let the fact nobody carries it
deter you from that.