Last Call for Brunch at Margaret's -- Lissen Up
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 19:03:21 -0500, Margaret Suran >
>OhJeeez wrote:
>> no problem 'suffering' criticism for asking why personal/local plans are played
>> in international formats - no ill-intent intended. still, meet-ups, in this
>> venue, seem 'excluding.' and local as i may be, no cause for concern, i won't
>> be there... but who knows what the cat may drag in
>How long have you been with rfc? Unless you are a recent subscriber to
>the news group, you have to know that every year several cook ins are
>being held. Everybody who wants to attend is welcome by the hosts.
>Since not everybody can come, for many reasons, does that make the rfc
>cook ins excluding too?
I really enjoy reading about preparations and, better yet, seeing
post-event reports, recipes, and pics (thanks, Barb). Best would be
attending, but 'vicarious, thy name is computer.'
I will be attending a couple of local Neighborhood Association
"festivals" on The Day as official photographer for the web site. Kids
freezing in the park and sitting on Santa's lap (brought by local fire
truck) (Santa, not the lap), and adults "socializing" indoors in the
afternoon. Far from a food-fest. Will be thinking about the NY
festival. :-)