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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Both yards mowed!

On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 12:22:55 -0400, Sheldon Martin >

>People who keep chickens for eggs don't have a rooster.


Everyone I know with chickens for eggs has a rooster.

> Some of my
>neighbors keep roosters as pets, they really don't make a lot of
>noise, they can make a racket for about 3-4 minutes at sunrise, but
>since they are pets they are kept caged indoors, typically in a locked
>barn or shed to protect them from preditors. Roosters crowing don't
>bother us, we are awake anyway. Some keep geese, they can be annoying
>as they are so loud and can honk at any time, and they like to walk
>right up to you and honk in your ear, deafening.

Ducks and Geese make good security systems. Guinea fowl too, if you
can tolerate the noise.