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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Both yards mowed!

On 8/27/2020 3:05 PM, wrote:
> On Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 10:45:52 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> What is it I'm supposed to be jealous about? I already live on a lushly
>>> green sub-tropical island.

>> And constantly complain about the heat, humidity and rain.
>> And you stay indoors constantly.

> I complain about the heat and humidity as well. It's our prerogative when
> we live in hot, humid climates. I don't know about Jill, but I get no
> ocean breezes here to deal with the heat and humidity.

Actually, we get very nice breezes. Depends on the time of year.
Crosswinds, sometimes. I like sitting outside when the wind will blow
up from one direction... wait a minute and the wind comes back from the
other direction. It's relaxing to watch the tops of the trees as as the
wind changes direction. Interesting. Doesn't usually happen when it's
extremely hot and humid, though.

Do I complain about the rain? It doesn't bother me. Keeps me from
grilling stuff sometimes but I have other ways to cook things. I'm not
a die-hard griller.

Rain? I sleep very well if there's a good thunderstorm. Heck, I slept
through Hurricane Matthew. LOL I have a sound machine that is set to
the sound of rain with occasional thunder. (The real thing is so much
better!) When the power went out at 3:30AM that morning I was able to
go right back to sleep to the sound of the wind and rain.

> You complain the banks aren't open at the crack of dawn so we're even.
> Shut your yap or hit the banks when they open, not when you want them
> to open.

He's deflecting from my question. What do I have to be jealous about?
