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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Both yards mowed!

Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> >When we first moved here, despite the CCRs, someone had chickens and a
> >rooster. They got rid of the chickens but the rooster made a break
> >for it and lived 5 years on the wild side. He'd get up in the pine
> >trees early in the a.m. and make sure we all were awake.
> >Funniest thing to see a rooster 25 feet up a tree calling out the
> >start to morning.
> >Janet US

> My sense of humour would be low at that hour!

One summer, we had a woodpecker that would fly onto my roof
right above my bedroom and "machine gun" the metal flashing
for an hour or so with his beak. I often went out and
threw a stick up at him to chase him off.