Thread: Dinner 8/27/20
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner 8/27/20

On 8/28/2020 12:24 PM, Gary wrote:
> "U.S. Janet B." wrote:
>> I've had a craving for Kraft Mac & Cheese. I haven't had it since I
>> was a kid, but I am craving it. There must be a commercial that is
>> getting to me subliminally.

> Mac and cheese has never been an old comfort food to me even
> though my mom always made it boiled elbow noodles and Velveeta
> cheese made into a sauce. Very good but we didn't get it
> often.

My mom frequently made mac & cheese as a main dish meal. Yes, it was
Velveeta melted into a basic white sauce. She'd add add diced ham or
some of those 'lil smokies sausages cut in half. She then baked it like
a casserole dish with buttered breadcrumbs on top. There was always
some sort of veggie side.

> That boxed Mac&Cheese with the powdered cheese packet is
> pure nasty to me.

Powdered cheese = yuck in my book.

> I never make it myself but have found a few decent
> frozen versions. Just heat and serve.

Stouffer's makes a good frozen version. It tastes good but there's a
bit too much sauce to macaroni ratio.

> Did you see that poor black guy on the news yesterday?
> Spent 44 years in prison for a rape that they finally
> found him innocent of.

No, I didn't see it. Cable was out all day yesterday, no TV, no
Internet. Good thing I always have a book to read.

> Asked what his first "free" meal would be.
> He said, Mac and Cheese.
> :-D

Have you ever read some of those "last meal" requests from people on
death row? Mac & cheese pops up from time to time.
